Spam Spam Spam - everyone's pet hate....

We do not think that we can rid  you of spam in this modern era with so much of it about.

The best cure (if that is the word) is to manage it and be vigilant making sure you DO NOT click on links or get fooled into following a phishing attack and taken to a pseudo web site.

Always check and double check links and if he wording does not sound right it is probably spam.

One source of spam can be a form on your web site and as it is being sent from a "trusted source" your web site - it can often get past other spam blocking tools.

To reduce this you can add a re-Captcha tool (we use the google one)  to check if the form is being filled in by a ral person. We have found this toll, on occasion, to vastly reduce the spam generated by forms attached by "bots" - they are automatically filled in and sent to your in-box.

To install a reCaptcha you first need to register with the Google Re-Captcha site and then implement it onto all pages on your web site that feature a form.

Itican be implements within your site if managed by TruskaCMS or not and we are able to help and assist in the whole process of adding it to any site. Just email or call for details